Rest in Peace Sweet Boy - Home Improvement Blog
News Update

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Rest in Peace Sweet Boy

As many of you who read my blog know, Max has been a huge part of our lives for the past 12 years.  We went on vacation last week and while we were gone he took a terrible turn for the worse.  We were so fortunate that the vet who was caring for him was so kind.  She thought he would be better with some medications, but then she found a tumor on his pancreas which was too much for him to recover from.  While she held up the phone and I talked to him one last time, she said he looked up and wagged his tail hearing my voice.  She and I cried and cried as we came to the decision that it was not fair to keep him going while he was in such pain.  Obviously we are heartbroken.  Coming home to an empty house, seeing his stuff everywhere in the house and yard and knowing he's gone is so tremendously hard.  But, we also remember how much we loved him from the minute we brought him home in 2000. 

This is in our old backyard.  He was smart enough to claim that spot in the pond as his.  This picture of him even made it on the HGTV site!  :)

We built this pond for him when we moved in this house.  The part he is laying in will always be known as "Max Beach". 

We are better people for having him in our lives and will never forget him. 

Thank you for your visit.


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