I am embarrassed to admit it, but I have had a couple of framed pictures on our bedside tables for almost 20 years. In the same frames. Yes, silver and gold frames were all the rage in the 1990's!
Here's what I did to update this one:
Those decorative knots in the corners were tough, but I just kept wrapping and wrapping until I could no longer see the shiny silver and gold. The corners look a little bulky, but I kind of like the one of a kind-ness of it.
Because I wrapped the jute around (and around and around--OMG, how many times do I have to wrap this darn thing???), the glass wouldn't fit in it. I needed to find another use for it. Here's what I came up with.
I found a wooden frame at a thrift store for $1. I painted it blue and added burlap and batting. I then glued a starfish onto the burlap. I got this idea from Cottage Living-from the Beach to the Burb's Blogpost
Here's what they look like on the wall. The lower one doesn't show up very well in this picture, but looks fine in real life.
Recently I came to the conclusion that some serious updating was needed.
Here's what I did to update this one:
Those decorative knots in the corners were tough, but I just kept wrapping and wrapping until I could no longer see the shiny silver and gold. The corners look a little bulky, but I kind of like the one of a kind-ness of it.
I hot glued some wire to the back to hang it.
Because I wrapped the jute around (and around and around--OMG, how many times do I have to wrap this darn thing???), the glass wouldn't fit in it. I needed to find another use for it. Here's what I came up with.
I ended up using about 3/4 of the roll of jute on this 5x7 frame.
I superglued the starfish right to the wall.
(As for the picture by our bed, I put it in a new wooden frame)
Here's what they look like on the wall. The lower one doesn't show up very well in this picture, but looks fine in real life.
And here's another beachy corner of our master bedroom. For the rest of the master, you can go HERE.
I made the starfish pillow using a graphic I found online. I used an Ikea pillow cover and insert. I copied it onto TAP Transfer paper, cut it close to the edges and ironed it on like I did with some other pillows HERE.
I hardly spent any money on any of these things and am happy with the way they turned out.
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