Backyard in Bloom - Home Improvement Blog
News Update

Friday, July 15, 2011

Backyard in Bloom

After a long winter,  my backyard plants are finally starting to show their stuff!  :)   I planted all of the perennials last summer so they are still filling in.  Some things are working well where they are and some may have to be moved in the fall.

 The daisies are just starting to bloom.  The daylillies are too.  A few coneflowers have started.  There will be lots more!  The lavender and salvia create a nice contract to the other plants.

 The daisies by the pond have gone crazy!  I do have other things back there, but you'd never know it!  I will have to figure out what's hiding back there and move them somewhere else!

 I haven't ever loved this tree because it sent shooters out all over my planting beds.  Well, now it's dying (ok, it's dead!), but I don't want to remove it yet.  I've been waiting for months for my perennials to bloom and removing it right now would tear up everything around it.  We can take it out in the fall.

 There are rose of sharon and hollyhocks toward the back of this bed that should be blooming like crazy in the next couple of weeks. 

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