We just got back from taking both of our kids to college. It's a very strange feeling to be empty-nesters! In the spirit of this, I came up with this simple "nest-themed" tablescape.

I used my Mom's silver. She purchased it piece by piece when she was 18. I am so thrilled to have it!
I found these square bowls at TJMaxx on clearance.
I found this nest at Twig. I LOVE her stuff!
I made these napkins this summer. HERE is the link to learn how I made them. Jane at Cottage at the Crossroads told me about the grapevine napkin rings she found at Hobby Lobby. I think they look great and were really cheap there! (on sale for $1.25 for six!)
I made these topiaries a few weeks ago. HERE are the directions for making them.
I found these birds at TJMaxx for $1.99 each.
A little bit of brown paint and they look so much better!
I have to keep the doors closed if I have the table set so Bailey the cat doesn't come in. :) He is sure the table is set for him!

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