Last fall I found this ladder at a garage sale for $1 (!) Since it was so late in the season, I left it in the garage until today.
We started by making boxes out of fence boards for two of the shelves.
My trusty aging technique of Apple Cider Vinegar and Steel Wool made them look older within an hour. Directions for this process are HERE
We secured them to the ladder and added drainage holes to the back where the box wasn't resting on the ladder step. (you can see here how different the box looks just one hour later)
You may remember my post last December about the 93mph winds here that blew 60' trees down. I don't anticipate winds that strong again anytime soon, but we do live right by the mountains and get windy days. I put 24" stakes in and we secured the ladder to them. You can see them right now, but once everything starts blooming, they will not be seen.
I know it's early to be planting annuals, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we don't have too many freezes from now on. I planted these wave petunias in the boxes.
We secured this birdhouse to the center step.
And the potted geranium on top. We'll see if the geranium is a keeper as the season goes on... Right now I like it, but may change it later. :) I didn't put anything on the bottom step because it'll be hidden very soon when the spirea in front starts blooming.
I'm excited that there are daisies and coneflowers underneath that should envelope the bottom of the ladder soon. I'll be sure to take more pictures as everything comes back to life.
Thanks for your visit!
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