An Explosion of Blooms for the 4th - Home Improvement Blog
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Wednesday, July 4, 2012

An Explosion of Blooms for the 4th

Fireworks are illegal in our city this year due to the extreme fire danger.  We haven't had any fires right here, but much of the state has burned.  Very scary!  We will go see a professional fireworks show tonight which should be fun.

In the meantime, I am loving time spent in my garden.  As I've mentioned before, June and July are amazing months.  This year we have had extremely hot weather and lots of wind--not a good combination, so some things have been slow to take off.  I'm hoping the winds go somewhere else for the rest of the summer!

The wave petunias are starting to fill out. 

The pond lilies are blooming.

The daisies and coneflowers by the pond have gone crazy.

I love the fullness of this bed.

The flowers on the ladder were hit hard by the hot, dry winds.  I think if I leave the ladder there next summer, I will run tubing up to water each box separately.  I think I need a birdhouse on the top, as those flowers aren't doing very well. 

I am generally not a fan of orange flowers, but this daylily is gorgeous!

 Coneflowers, daisies and butterfly bush are looking good.

More daylily love! 

 I bought this birdhouse from Colby Cottage in Oregon years ago.  I love how the daisies and daylilies are enveloping it.  There is a Rose of Sharon there too, but it hasn't bloomed yet.

The other day I saw FOUR adult birds hanging out at this birdhouse. I think there are separate compartments (or apartments) :)   They sure are loud anytime we are out there.  Those parents are very, very skeptical of people and animals.

Thanks so much for coming by! 

Happy 4th of July!


I am linking to the following parties:

>vif187>Cottage Garden Party

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