My husband wanted to add a closet to the 'man cave'. I was all for it! I love to have things organized and was thrilled when he said I could put whatever I wanted to put in there. :)
Here is the 'before'. We added that flooring when we first moved in and stored our bikes right there. There had to be a better use for that space!
The view from downstairs.
The mess from sanding drywall... This was after cleaning for quite awhile! That drywall dust gets EVERYWHERE!
Prior to adding shelves.
Nice deep shelves to hold everything.
I am so happy to have a place to hang my vacuum hose. It's big and bulky and fits perfectly in here!
Here's a view of the room while standing at the new closet.

He had to make special concessions on the size and the way the door fit in due to the slope of the ceiling. He really maximized the space. I think it looks great!
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