Snowmen, Birdhouses, Plaid Ribbon and I'm Set - Home Improvement Blog
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Monday, 17 March

Friday, December 9, 2011

Snowmen, Birdhouses, Plaid Ribbon and I'm Set

I love snowmen, I love plaid ribbon and love birdhouses, so generally, that's how I decorate for Christmas.

 This snowman looks cute at night all lit up.

Many years ago a couple of neighbors and I got together and painted ornaments.  Who knew I could make something like these?  :)  I made one for us and one for my Mom.  If I ever figure out how to make a big plaid bow for it, I'll add that.

I love these snowmen from Hallmark.  I added a bow to the topiary I made a few months ago and it looks festive.

My husband  reburbished this scale last year.  I like the colorful ornaments in the tray.

This was our family gift to the Grandparents and close friends when our kids were only 3 and 5 years old.  (They are both in college now)  My husband cut the trees, the kids painted all of the solid parts and I painted the details.  It was such a fun project and still makes me happy to see it.

Thanks for coming by!  


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