An Adorable Town and a Winner! - Home Improvement Blog
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Monday, January 30, 2012

An Adorable Town and a Winner!

Last week my husband's step-mother passed away.  We quickly flew to Illinois to be with his family.  On the first day, we had a little extra time before everyone got off work, so we spent some time in the cutest little town, Geneva.  I learned about this place from Jennifer Rizzo's blog.  (whom I might add is one of the nicest bloggers out there!) :)   Even though my husband isn't totally thrilled with shopping in cute stores, he was a trooper. 

 I loved this bike in the middle of a planter!

 I didn't get a great picture of this statue, but it's right at the end of the main street and is so cute!

 The businesses all look like this.

 This was such a neat wine store!

This was my favorite place!  I love the magnets on the door announcing that they are open.

The store was FULL of great things!  And they had a couch for my husband to sit on.  :)

 I love this ottoman!

 And this canvas print.

 Because we were traveling and had very limited space, I only bought this little bird, but am so thrilled with it!
If you're ever in Illinois in the west suburbs of Chicago, you need to check out Geneva!  
Thank you to all who entered my giveaway. 

The winner is:  Joy2Journey 

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