My Blog-iversary Giveaway and a Lovely Honor - Home Improvement Blog
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Friday, January 20, 2012

My Blog-iversary Giveaway and a Lovely Honor

Today marks one year since I started blogging.  What a joy it's been to join in the party!  I've met so many great friends and have been so inspired.  I spent the last year doing more crafts and projects than ever.

So, to celebrate my 'blogiversary', I am hosting a giveaway.  I was out shopping today and found this pillow and wire cloche to send to the winner.  I will pick the winner on Friday, January 27th via Random Number Generator.

*** Update--We have had a death in the family so I can't pick a winner on the original date.  I will pick a winner on Monday, January 30***


It's easy to enter:
  • You need to be a follower of my blog and leave a comment.
  • This giveaway is only open to US residents.   
  • Please be sure that I have a way to contact you via your blog or an email address.
Good luck!

The other part of my post is in regard to a huge honor that I've been given.  When I was in high school, my basketball team won the state championship.  It was the first championship to be won by any girls' team at my school.  This weekend, they are inducting our team into the school's Athletic Hall of Fame.  I am so honored and so grateful for the friendships and memories I have from that time.   Unfortunately, I am not able to attend, but many of my former teammates will be there.  My Dad is standing in for me.  I am thrilled and so is he!  :)

Here we were way back when. I'm holding the trophy.  Those were some short shorts we wore!  :)

Thanks so much for coming by.  And thank you for making the past year so much fun!


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1 comment

  1. it wway very old, but after the floor was remodeled, it looks pretty look nice. they made a cork flooring


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