Old and Beat Up Makes for my Favorite Birdhouse - Home Improvement Blog
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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Old and Beat Up Makes for my Favorite Birdhouse

I collect birdhouses.  I am obsessed with love birdhouses.  My favorite birdhouse of all is the most beat up, rickety thing I own.  I found this years ago from Natalie at Sparrow.  (LOVE her stuff!!)  She is one of the regulars at the BarnHouse Boys' sales.



For awhile I had it outside, but with our extreme weather conditions, it was getting to the point of having enough character.  :)  

I cleaned it and cleaned it and brought it inside. 
  I love the perches and the worn wood on the sides and top!

 I needed to put it some place where it wouldn't get bumped, since the wood is so fragile now.  I don't think our old, fatty cat can get up there!

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