Goodbye Ugly Tide Container, Hello Pretty Bottle - Home Improvement Blog
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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Goodbye Ugly Tide Container, Hello Pretty Bottle

My Tide and Clorox bottles are big (and ugly)!  They sit on a shelf above the washer and dryer, and lifting those huge bottles for every load of wash gets old.

I was in Ikea not long ago and found these cute bottles.  (sorry, I don't have a true 'before' picture--I was using them in all of their plain-ness for awhile)  I think I paid $4 each for them.

On one of my many visits to The Graphics Fairy, I came across these beauties:

Now, I realize they really say something different than Tide and Clorox in French, but I'm going with them!

I used Mod Podge and applied the labels.  I let them dry a bit, then put another coat on and they were done.

I must say, I think they look great and they are so much lighter to lift!  What a simple project this was!

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