We've lived with a very dark hall for almost two years now. The lights have to be turned on anytime we go down the hall. (cue big electricity bills here...)
I don't have any great 'before' pictures since the area was always completely dark. I did remember to take one just as my husband was starting the project.
I don't have any great 'before' pictures since the area was always completely dark. I did remember to take one just as my husband was starting the project.
Yesterday, he solved the problem by installing a skylight.
I am just getting a regular heartbeat back after watching him at the top of the roof for over an hour....
It doesn't look too bad in this picture, but our roof is very steep! And he kept needing to walk back and forth to get stuff (more heartbeat issues...)
He spent a lot of time in the attic, where he tells me that it's almost as crazy as being on the roof. Luckily, I will never know, as the attic is not somewhere that I have any desire to check out. :)
He propped the big ladder up on some built ins we have here and was able to reach the hole to put the final piece in.
And here is the hall without lights on (except the little 'mood' lighting on the table). It used to be almost pitch dark. Now I can see!! It is so much nicer!
Our gain, the electric company's loss. :) I am so thankful for having a husband who can do these types of projects.
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